Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mumbai’s Bazaar Secrets

Having lived all my life in Mumbai, in several different parts of it, one thing I have a huge appreciation of, for this mad city of mine, is the mind bogglingly huge number of small, big, large and enormous markets it has to offer for every possible kind of shopper.

When we talk of shopping in Mumbai, there are a few markets that easily come to mind. The large shopping complexes, the fashion streets of south Mumbai, Bhuleshawar, and even Chor Bazaar! But apart from these, there is this whole bunch of small and medium sized fancy markets that throw up just the most amazing surprises in terms of the merchandise they have on offer and the rock bottom prices they sell at! And whenever I think I’ve seen it all, I come across yet another market place with yet more surprising wares, without causing any damage to my not so deep pockets after yet another shopping spree.

I’ve explored and bargained and had so much fun hopping in the bazaars of Mumbai, I would love to share some of my shopping secrets with you.

Why not start with one of my favorite markets closest to my home right here in south Mumbai?

Alright! Alright! … Jumping right into the market!! Now you’ve got to watch out for yourself here!! And God help you, if you dragged along an unwilling shopper with you. This place can be seriously overwhelming for the infrequent or leisurely street shopper. This place, in my mind is chaos personified!

Welcome to the fancy cloth market at Agripada, Mumbai!

I cannot tell you much of the nomenclature of this place, but the one thing I can tell you is, I committed this name to memory for any future reference the minute I laid eyes on this amazing white scarf my mom brought back from one of her first shopping trips there and told me she actually paid 30 bucks for it. (For all future references, bucks refer to INR, unless stated otherwise). I know you are thinking, that could be possible else where’s in Mumbai too, but let me just point out, this scarf travelled with me to the US and was exceptionally well received in my opinion, and complimented by a surprisingly large number of friends and strangers alike. Yes, this scarf has IT!

(afore mentioned White scarf featured below in a picture with not as much clarity as desired)

OK! OK!! Jumping right back into the market! If you have the time, and the energy to squeeze your way through this crowded colorful circus of a place you will find loads of fabrics, dress materials, embroidered patches etc, at fairly reasonable prices. You could browse through it all for hours without tiring.

But for me, the highlights of this trip are the scarves. Now this stall is located pretty much towards the end of the narrow crowded lane, between 2 other fabric stall and you could miss it if you are not familiar with the geography of the place. But, a little patience here can be very rewarding!

And when I say scarves, I mean The- Girl- in -the -Green -Scarf-from –the- movie- Confessions- of- a Shopaholic- scarves. The original Collection18 scarves featured in the movie, for the price of a kerchief purchased on the local train!! You have to believe me; it doesn’t get any more delicious then this.

For 10, 20 or 30 bucks, you can get the kind of scarves; you would have trouble finding in the best of stores across Mumbai, for any given price.

And if you have a thing for bargaining, you could easily get 9-10 scarves for 100 bucks! Me? I bargain. A lot. And I’ve always come away happy after shopping here. Right from plain, silk, dressy to frilly and delicate to a complex combination of all of these, you could find any kind of scarf you wish for right in this one place!

A word of advice for the first time shopper here though; Go with an open mind, and be ready to dig! Do not go with a fixed design or color in mind, and you will be enormously surprised with the variety this guy sells. And this being a road show, you are had best wear comfy clothes you can kneel down in to dig through all of the stuff to get to the ones you want!

Generally milling with women on all days, Sundays can be pretty crowded out here and leave you exhausted before you can reach the scarves. Saturdays, though, are a good time to shop here. The market generally sets-up between 4 pm till around 9-10 pm 7 days a week. Elbows out, is the right way to walk here for girls if you know what I mean, and although I have not heard or experience this myself, guard your valuables against pickpockets or simply carelessness.

Arm yourself with loads of loose change to aid in the bargaining and you are all set to add some designer scarves to your collection!

Until next time, when I share some more bazaar secrets with you, Happy shopping to you!

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